Friday 3 February 2012

                                                 DAVID CHARLTON TO TAKE CHARGE OF THE EDL

It was with sad regret to inform you that Tommy Robinson is due to resign later this year from the EDL, Tommy stated that he felt he had achieved his maximum potential with the EDL and that it was time to move on, a number of possible individuals were considered as being potential candidates for EDL leadership, it has been decided that only one man can replace Tommy and lead the EDL to victory, and that man is David Charlton.  Charlton who is a former criminal and prison inmate was delighted at joining the counter jihad movement, Kevin Carol who is fiercely Anti-communist stated that Charlton had taken over the role as EDL leader in order to fight Communism and cultural Marxism that is eroding society.  Charlton stated that he would be targeting the UAF with a static dirty protest that would strike fear into the British left, David a former civil servant is familiar with the tactics of the left and stated that the political left had too much influence in the UK.

David Charlton a former political prisoner who was put in strangeways prison after complaining about too many British jobs going to foreign workers was still defiant in the face of law.  Charlton is seen as martyr to a majority of Nationalists.

Weyman Bennett from Unite against fascism stated that Charlton could take the EDL in a more militant direction in which trade union activists could be targeted as well as prison warders, the UAF have now had to increase security at demonstrations as a result of Charlton taking command of the counter jihad movement.  Charlton had also liaised with North West infidels group and discussed a possible merger between the EDL and the NWI, to which the infidels group had agreed to the merger as long as Charlton would be in charge.  John snowy Shaw the leader of the NWI had also agreed to resign from the infidels movement in order to permit Charlton total control of the movement.

some footage of David here