Sunday 5 August 2012

                                      MUSLIM CORPSES COULD BE POLLUTING THE WATER SYSTEM

Allegations are now being directed against Dewsbury`s Muslim community in regards to possible illegal burials.  Islamic law prohibits cremation so the corpses have to be buried as soon as possible, therefore the Islamic method of burial immediately puts pressure on funeral parlours and cemeteries especially if the deceased needs to be buried on a weekend.  The process is very basic and includes washing the body and covering the corpse with a white cloth and saying a prayer, but the problem is many funeral parlours are closed on weekends, and there are no Islamic funeral parlours available.

A report has emerged from Dewsbury that local Muslims are burying their dead illegally in order to carry out the exact Islamic method of burial, and also to save money.  One local resident claims that the Muslims have been doing this for many years and that the corpses would be decaying and entering the water system.  A group of local youths also spotted a group of people in baggy garments carrying out some type of ritual in the woods outside Dewsbury, the youths attempted to approach the group but were chased away.

This has now expressed concerns about public sanitation, some residents have also complained about losing teeth after drinking a cup of tap water, a Nationalist demonstration is now in the "pipeline" for Dewsbury and will be held outside the Yorkshire water head quarters, the placards will  have the slogan "deceased Muslim out of our tap water".  One resident also gave an interview to calendar from Yorkshire television, but the company have refused to air the interview after they were advised not to by the police.