Sunday 4 November 2012


It is with unfortunate news that we have to inform our viewers that Manchester Strangeways has now successfully completed extending part of the prison into a mosque with a minaret.  The prison now has a mosque with a capacity to hold an assembly of 500 people,  the prison Governor released a statement claiming that due to an influx of Muslim prisoners that an Islamic place of worship had to be opened or else it would be considered a violation of their human rights. 

 Muslims are six times more likely to be incarcerated in prison than white Britons and they are also heavily represented in the heroin drug trade.  Due to an increase in arrests over the Muslim paedophile gangs that have been abusing white teenage girls, there is now a massive influx of Muslim prisoners.  Also halal food was now being served in strangeways prison to the inmates, this is being supplied by a local Muslim abattoir to the prison.  The Greater Manchester Police have embraced the new initiative and claim that the move could be beneficial.  The prison is now considering opening up a Muslims only wing that prohibits non muslim prisoners from entering the area, the commission for "racial equality" has now stated that it would support the move.  It has also been suggested that the prison should open up a halal abattoir inside the prison to cut down on the cost of importing beef and poultry products into strangeways.