Tuesday 6 November 2012


Last night the BBC aired a programme called inside out, which focused on the Muslim street paedophile epidemic.  Mohammed Shafiq from the Ramadhan foundation was commissioned to present the programme.  Shafiq travelled to Holland to talk to Muslims in Amsterdam who claim to have cured the problem by raising the issue in local mosques.  We have been constantly told by the Islamic community and the leftists that the Muslim paedophile problem is a product of the far right`s vivid imagination, now we are being informed that the problem does actually exist.  Shafiq stated that 80 percent of child sex abuse cases in the UK are carried out by whites, so this means that 20 percent of all cases are carried out by non whites, so that means that 3 percent of the population are responsible for 20 percent of child sex cases, 97 percent are responsible for 80 percent of sex cases.  So Shafiq has admitted that non whites are statistically far more likely to abuse a minor.  Unite Against Fascism stated that the Muslim paedophile epidemic in abusing white girls was a fascist myth.  Shafiq at least has admitted and condemned criminality in the Pakistani community.  Liberal Dutch politicians however suggested legalising paedophilia so that it would no longer be considered a criminal offence.