Saturday 5 January 2013


West Yorkshire police received an emergency call out from a man who`s parent`s property had just been attacked, the incident involved an attempted burglary, criminal damage and assault.  At around 9 p.m, an intruder climbed into the premise of an elderly couple in order to gain access to a joining property, the intruder then attempted to smash the front entrance door and gain access to the property, the door was damaged and after a short period, the intruder climbed into the elderly couple`s property and deliberately smashed the couple`s fence in, the couple`s middle aged son who was visiting his parent`s house heard the noise and went out to confront the intruder who was now on the street behind the property.  The intruder picked up a brick and ran at the couple`s son and tried to hit him with it, the son then disarmed the attacker, but was bitten in the process, the son then punched the attacker several times and managed to restrain him, the attacker threatened to return with associates and kill the man, so the son punched him several times more until the attacker apologised and agreed to walk off.  When the son returned to his parent`s property he contacted the local police.  When the Halifax police arrived the officers said that there was nothing they could do and that the son should have walked away when the intruder attempted to attack him with a brick!! the officer then stated that "well you went out to him" and that it would not stand up in a court of law.  The police then left and drove away, and made no attempt to search for the intruder.

So now criminals can commit assault, criminal damage, attempted burglary, and threats to kill and get away with it.  The elderly couple are now considering putting barbed wire around their property, as this is not the first time they have had intruders on their premise, but the police have warned them that they could face legal action if an intruder injures them self on the wire.