Saturday 23 February 2013


Nick Lowles from Hope Not Hate has launched a campaign aimed at preventing discrimination in the vegetable section in super markets.  Lowles carried out a survey in which he discovered that people are actually prejudicial in regards to selecting vegetables.  Lowles interviewed shoppers asking them what vegetables they choose and why.  Lowles then produced a basket of fresh vegetables and another basket containing rotten and rancid vegetables.  Lowles then asked the shoppers which vegetables they would choose and why, the shoppers replied by stating that they would choose the fresh vegetables.  Lowles then demanded to know the reason why they had decided not to purchase the putrid rotten vegetables, the shoppers stated "because they are absolutely putrid and horrible" Lowles then called the shoppers "racists and "bigots" and stated that these attitudes mirrored real life opinions and proved that the shoppers were in fact racist against ethnic minorities, even though 3 of the shoppers were black. Lowles intends to eradicate all forms of prejudice and is currently dressing up in a vegetable costume outside supermarkets, encouraging people to purchase rotten decaying vegetables as part of a national campaign to combat discrimination.