Tuesday 8 October 2013

Kosher activist Tommy Robinson set to convert to Islam after condemning the E.D.L as thugs and nazis

Tommy Robinson the leader of the English Defence League has announced that he is quitting the group. Tommy stated that he was unable to come to terms with an incident at an E.D.L demonstration which became known as the Muslamic ray guns incident.  Tommy condemned the movement as being full of Nazis and racists and morons, and that the E.D.L was too out of control.  Tommy has been studying the Koran and recently discovered Allah while emptying his rubbish bins, in which Allah directly communicated with Tommy from an empty tin of Stella Artois  and ordered Tommy to resign from the E.D.L and condemn the far right as being a menace to society and a terror threat.  Both Tommy and Kevin Carroll have decided to convert to Islam and grow ginger beards and be part of the ginger convert phenomenon that is sweeping the British Isles.  Tommy denied being an M.I.5 infiltrator who was paid to sabotage the movement.  He also denied being in a safe house in Tel Aviv when he was supposed to be serving a prison sentence.  From day one Robinson has been a devout supporter of multiculturalism and gay rights and Israel, Robinson would frequently launch verbal tirades against the B.N.P using the term "Nazi" more than Weyman Bennett.  All of this points to left wing/establishment subversion.  Tommy is now the new Matthew Collins.